
07:30 【兒童影展精選】 閃亮老媽
07:45 【兒童影展精選】 怪奶奶衣櫥

17:00 【兒童影展精選】 白日夢


A little girl and her father are taking a nap. In their peaceful and sweet sleep, they dream. In the dream, they are faced with devastating situations – a series of incidents caused by the daughter's disability. Together, they deal with the world.

If You Were Me is a series of short films produced by National Human Rights Commission of Korea, established in 2001 as a national organization that works independently from the legislation, administration and administration of justice. The series began in 2003 and aims to improve awareness in human rights through cultural contents.
17:15 【兒童影展精選】 許願精靈幫幫忙


Myung-sun is a blind girl. One day, an elf from “Your Wish Come True Committee” shows up and wants to grant her three wishes. The elf wants to finish the mission in hurry to take off swiftly, but Myung-sun has only one wish, it is to see.

If You Were Me is a series of short films produced by National Human Rights Commission of Korea, established in 2001 as a national organization that works independently from the legislation, administration and administration of justice. The series began in 2003 and aims to improve awareness in human rights through cultural contents.