
07:30 【兒童影展精選】 書桌上的青鳥


誰才是快樂?校內的高材生 Park Jin Ju 和全校成績最差的學生 Ma Jin Ju 都獲編在同一班內。Jin Ju 看似正常,因怕失去了第一名而開始精神錯亂,並送往精神病院接受治療。此片並不對兩位女孩進行批判,只是以開心音樂劇形式說她們的心事。

Park Jin-yu, the school's top student, and Ma Jin-yu, the one with the worst performance, are in the same class. Park Jin-yu seems as if she has it all, but in reality, success or failure is never as it seems.

If You Were Me is a series of short films produced by National Human Rights Commission of Korea, established in 2001 as a national organization that works independently from the legislation, administration and administration of justice. The series began in 2003 and aims to improve awareness in human rights through cultural contents.
17:00 【兒童影展精選】 閃亮老媽



Eun-jun is a smart and popular girl at school, but she has her own secret. The secret is that she always lets her hair braided, and the reason is because she has curly hair – inherited from her Filipino mom.

If You Were Me is a series of short films produced by National Human Rights Commission of Korea, established in 2001 as a national organization that works independently from the legislation, administration and administration of justice. The series began in 2003 and aims to improve awareness in human rights through cultural contents.

17:15 【兒童影展精選】 怪奶奶衣櫥


When 12-year-old Violet is hassled by schoolyard bullies about her ill-fitting winter coat, she vows to earn the money to buy herself a new one. But when she finds employment with Edith, an elderly eccentric shut-in, Violet earns an unlikely friendship that fits her best of all.